Raised so far
- About
This page has been created to support our annual Charity Gala Dinner!
The Stubbington Ark animal centre supports a 400 square mile catchment area in Hampshire.
As a separately registered Branch of the RSPCA, this means that we are responsible for raising our own funds to deliver vital animal welfare services to a wide range of different species. Our centre costs more than £1.3million per year to run.
Proceeds from the sale of your ticket can:
- Buy 15 dog vaccines at cost price, or
- Feed a rabbit for a month, or
- Provide six months flea treatment for a cat
We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came and supported our Charity Gala Dinner last year and look forward to those attending this year :). For those who are unable to attend, if you would still like to make a donation it would be very greatly appreciated.